The following procedures must be strictly followed which may otherwise lead to rejection of application:
(i) Candidate(s) fulfilling all the above clearly laid down criteria will have to visit our website for the details of the vacancy and may download the application format. The filled in application form along with all relevant self-attested (signed with dates) documents should be sent addressing to “THE MANAGING DIRECTOR, ASSAM GAS COMPANY LIMITED, DULIAJAN, DIST-DIBRUGARH, PIN-786602” clearly super scribing the Post applied for on or before 03/04/2023
(ii) A recent passport size colour photograph should be firmly pasted on the application and should be signed across by the candidate. Applications without photograph and signature across it will be rejected. The copies of the same photo may be retained by the candidate for further use.
(iii) While applying for the post the candidates are required to enclose the self-attested true copies of the testimonials/documents mentioned in Point No. 04.
(iv) Applications received through e-mail/post/courier after the last date i.e. 03/04/2023 will be rejected.
(v) All future announcements pertaining to the advertisement will be published in the Assam Gas Company Limited website ( and not on any other website/medium.
# Date of Birth (DOB) as mentioned in the Aadhaar Card or Admit Card of Class 10 issued by the concerned Government Body will only be considered as valid proof of date of birth. No other document will be accepted for verification of date of birth.
The list of essential document(s)/certificate(s)/testimonial(s) is as mentioned below.
# HSLC Admit or Aadhar card issued by the competent authority as valid proof of date of birth.
# All educational qualification documents from HSLC onwards (Marksheets and Pass Certificates)
# Caste Certificate of SC/ST/OBC, if applicable.
# Valid No Objection Certificate signed by concerned Authority, if employed in Government Service/Public Sector Undertaking.
# Proof of address (Aadhaar/Passport/Driving License).
# Recent Passport size photograph.
# Experience Certificate issued by previous employer.
A recent passport size colour photograph should be firmly pasted on the application and should be signed across by the candidate.
Important Dates:
Starting date of submission of application: 16th March 2023
Last date of submission of application: 3rd April 2023
Important Links AGCL Recruitment:
(i) Relaxations in age will be provided to the respective categories, as per the Govt. guidelines. Moreover, Management may consider age relaxation to the deserving candidates with higher qualification/work experience.
(i) Only those candidates, who fulfill the eligibility criteria mentioned in this advertisement/notification as on the crucial date will be called for Personal Interview.
(ii) The selection process shall be conducted through a Personal Interview wherein selection shall be done in order of merit.
(iii) Candidates will be called for Personal Interview only on the basis of their declaration in the application form submitted.
(i) Candidate(s) will have to possess all the compulsory document(s)/certificate(s)/testimonial(s), as applicable, and will have to produce them as required (in original and required copies) for the during the recruitment process. The list of essential document(s)/certificate(s)/testimonial(s) for further necessary requirements is given as under:
1. HSLC Admit or Aadhar card issued by the competent authority asvalid proof of date of birth.
2. All educational qualification documents from HSLC onwards (Marksheets and Pass Certificates)
3. Caste Certificate of SC/ST/OBC, if applicable.
4. Valid No Objection Certificate signed by concerned Authority, if employed in Government Service/Public Sector Undertaking.
5. Proof of address (Aadhaar/Passport/Driving License)
6. Recent Passport size photograph
7. Experience Certificate issued by previous employer
(ii) The essential documents/certificates/testimonials will have to be sent with the application form. Candidate(s) must ensure that all the details provided by the candidates in the application form tally with the respective documents/certificates/testimonials. Any mismatch in the declaration on the application form with the respective documents/certificates/testimonials shall lead to rejection of candidature at any stage of the selection process.
(iii) All the documents/certificates/testimonials submitted by the candidate(s) will be verified from the concerned Issuing Authorities.
(iv) During document verification at any stage of the selection process, the candidature may be rejected if the document(s)/certificate(s)/testimonial(s) etc. are not found to be in order or as per our requirement. Further, in case it is detected that a candidate has furnished any incorrect/doctored/false information/document(s)/certificate(s)/ testimonial(s) or has suppressed any material fact(s), his/her candidature will stand cancelled and name of such candidate(s) will be black listed for applying against any post in Assam Gas Company Limited in future.
MEDICAL FITNESS/PRE-EMPLOYMENT MEDICAL EXAMINATION (PEME): Appointment of provisionally selected candidate(s) is subject to his/her being declared medically fitas per the standards Physical Fitness criteria of AGCL. The provisionally selected candidates will have to undergo Pre-Employment Medical Examination (PEME) at AGC Medical Centre, Duliajan, Assam.
(i) Provisionally selected candidate(s) will be appointed on the designated posts and will be under probation period of 06(six) months from the date of joining. In the event of the performance of a candidate being found unsatisfactory, the probation period will be extended for a period of 06 (six) months. If at the end of the extended period of probation, the performance of the candidate is still found unsatisfactory, his/her appointment will stand terminated.
(ii) The appointment in the above post(s) will be provisional and further subject to verification of all the documents/certificates/testimonials submitted in respect of age; caste; if applicable; education; experience and others, as applicable, as well as verification of character & antecedents through appropriate authority. In case the verification report received from the Issuing Authorities reveals that any of the documents/certificates/testimonials submitted by the candidate(s) is/are false/fake/incorrect or any adverse report of character and antecedents is received from the appropriate authority or in the event of giving any false declaration in the Personal Bio-data filled and duly signed at the time of employment, the provisional appointment will be terminated/cancelled/disqualified at any stage with 15 (fifteen) days notice, besides being liable for penal action under the legal provisions
(i) Candidate(s) are advised to carefully read the full advertisement for details of eligibility criteria and selection methodology before submission of the application form.
(ii) Candidate(s) are advised to furnish the correct information about their qualification, age, caste category etc.
(iii) Valid caste certificate must be produced by SC/ST/OBC candidate(s) in the prescribed format as per Government of Assam and issued by competent authority indicating clearly the candidate’s caste, the Act/Order under which the caste is recognized as SC/ST/OBC, the village/town the candidate is ordinarily a resident of and other details, as necessary.
(iv) The candidate(s) will be wholly/exclusively responsible for the information provided in his/her application form. All details given in the application form will be treated as final and no changes will be entertained.
(v) Candidate(s) employed in Government/Public Sector Undertaking must produce a ‘No Objection Certificate’ from the present employer. In case the candidate fails to submit the ‘No Objection Certificate’ at the applicable stage, his/her candidature will not be considered.
(vi) The candidate(s) must have an active e-mail ID and mobile number which must be valid till the process of recruitment is over since communication with the candidate(s) will take place through email/SMS.
(vii) The candidates must have pursued courses offered by Institutes / Universities through the regular mode & should be approved / recognized by the relevant statutory bodies for employment to posts and services under the central Government like Association of Indian Universities (AIU)/ UGC/AICTE etc. (viii) Calculation of percentage of marks in the qualifying degree is as per University / Institution rules. Wherever CGPA/ OGPA/ CPI/ DGPA or letter grade in degree is awarded, equivalent % of marks will be considered as per norms adopted by concerned University/ Institute.
(ix) Where the post specified in this advertisement is not reserved for a category (ies), a reserved category candidate can also apply provided she/ he fulfill the criteria specified for Unreserved Category. She/ He shall be treated at par with unreserved category candidates in selection process.
(vii) Candidate(s), who are shortlisted for Personal Interview, will be intimated through e-mail/SMS. Mere issue of call letter to the candidate(s) for any stage of the selection process will not imply that his/her candidature has been finally accepted by AGCL. If due to any unintentional/inadvertent/undue error, call letter has been issued to an ineligible candidate, in such a case, the call letter will be considered as invalid and the candidature of such a candidate will be summarily rejected on detection at any stage of the selection process.
(viii) AGCL will not be responsible for any loss/non-delivery of e-mail/SMS/any other communication sent, due to wrong e-mail ID/invalid or incorrect mobile number/contact details furnished by the candidate.
(ix) Candidate(s) will be required to carry their valid photo identity proof (Aadhaar Card/Driving Licence/ Voter ID Card/Passport etc.) for the Personal Interview. The photo identity proof will be checked and verified during the Interview. Candidate(s) without a valid photo identity proof will not be allowed to appear for the Interview.
(x) Candidate(s) are advised to retain the call letter issued for the selection process(s) for future reference.
(xi) Candidate(s) have to make their own arrangement for lodging and boarding for appearing in any stage of the selection process. No accommodation or arrangement for keeping documents or belongings will be provided during the entire selection process.
(xii) Selected candidate(s) will be intimated through e-mail. The results of the selection process(s), as applicable, will be declared in the AGCL’s official website( Candidate(s) are advised to periodically visit the above website for any update.
(xiii) Candidate(s) are advised in their own interest to submit the application form sufficiently in advance before the last date so as to avoid last minute rush leading to possibility of delay in delivery of applications. Assam Gas Company Limited will not be responsible for the candidates’ not being able to submit their applications within the prescribed closing date on account of any reason beyond the control of AGCL.
(xiv) Merely qualifying in the Personal Interview or provisionally selected after the recruitment process will not confer any right of regular appointment to the candidate(s). Appointment of provisionally selected candidate(s) is subject to his/her being declared medically fit in the Pre Employment Medical Examination and fulfilling other pre-employment formalities as per the requirements of the Company.
(xv) Canvassing in any form whether directly or indirectly will disqualify the candidate.
(xvi) All provisionally selected candidates will be required to produce in original as well as self attested photocopies of all relevant documents/certificates/testimonials for verification at the time of joining i.e. class 10th admit card/pass certificate/marksheet indicating date of birth, all educational qualification documents/certificates/testimonials including Essential Qualification, Caste Certificate, valid Employment Exchange Registration Card and other certificates, as applicable, issued by appropriate competent authority.
(xvii) The decision of the Management will be final and binding on all candidate(s) on any matter(s) regarding eligibility, acceptance or rejection of the applications, mode of selection, cancellation of the recruitment process etc. and no enquiry/correspondence will be entertained in this regard.
(xviii) Candidates are advised to keep checking AGCL’s website regularly for any update/information pertaining to the above recruitment process.
CRUCIAL/CUT-OFF DATE: (i) The crucial/cut-off date for age & work experience will be 01-03-2023.
Assam Gas Company Limited (AGCL) Overview:
Assam Gas Company Limited (AGCL) is a government-owned natural gas company based in Assam, India. The company was established in 1962 and has since been engaged in the exploration, production, transmission, and distribution of natural gas in the state of Assam.
AGCL is responsible for the operation and maintenance of various gas fields, gas pipelines, and gas processing facilities in the state. The company also supplies natural gas to industrial, commercial, and domestic customers in the region through its network of pipelines and distribution systems.
In addition to its core natural gas operations, AGCL is also involved in the production and marketing of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), compressed natural gas (CNG), and other related products.
The company's mission is to promote the use of natural gas as a clean and efficient source of energy in the state, and to contribute to the economic development of the region. AGCL has been recognized for its efforts in promoting the use of natural gas in Assam and has received several awards for its performance and achievements in the industry.
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